Power Pause:

4 Steps To A Purpose Driven Career Pivot


Your journey towards a better future begins here.

Are you unfulfilled, overworked and ready for a new job but unsure where to start?


Do you wake up in the morning feeling anxious, tired and dread going into the office or logging on for another day of pointless emails and meetings?

Well it might be time for a career pivot.

Or at least time to Start Thinking About One.

Join Me For Power Pause:

4 Steps To A Purpose Driven Career Pivot

Sign Me Up Now

Monday, January 9 2023 


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  • The #1 thing keeping you stuck in an unfulfilling career
  • My 4 part framework for purpose driven career planning
  • How to calculate your financial independence number & why you should use it as part of your career planning strategy
  • Action steps for implementing your job search strategy based on your personality
I Need This, Sign Me Up Now

Did you know that 66% of American workers say
that they lack work-life balance?

Lack of work-life balance. Burnout… Those statistics are the norm for a large number of people in this country. But I’m here to tell you: NONE of this has to be true for you

Imagine leaving a job that you resent and walking into something so much greater: A job that is more in alignment with your skillset, strengths, and passions. I’m here to tell you that it’s possible. And I can help you do it.

I help folks like YOU land their dream job. Beyond just landing a dream job, I help you to cultivate and attain your dream LIFE. (We spend so much of our time at work, it’s bound to have an impact on our lives as a whole).

If you are anything like me and the majority of Americans, you were not born with a silver spoon in your mouth. You have to work. And that’s ok. However, you DON’T have to remain in a job that’s sucking your life away. You deserve to have a fulfilling career that fits into your dream life. 

Now I know you may be thinking


“Kelli… That’s easier said than done!”


But trust me, I have been there and I managed to flip the script. I left my good government job and went from being prepared to take on 6 figures of debt to go to law school to finding a 6 figure, fully remote, 4 day work week job in 18 months. I’ve also built a business that’s on track to do 7-figures while still having time for myself, my family and friends, and other things that matter to me. 


Sounds too good to be true?


It all began with some introspection to determine what I needed out of the next chapter in my life. I took time to understand what financial and time freedom meant to me and how I could create wealth that would help me retire and leave something behind for my family. Millions of Americans dream about this, but very few make the conscious decision to go after it.

But enough about me! This is about you.

I’m on a mission to help as many people as possible craft a clear vision for their lives and land good jobs that they can look forward to being at every single day. Period. 

I’m offering you the opportunity to do exactly what I did to discover my professional purpose- Build a Purpose Profile to Guide Your Career Strategy.


I will be delivering this information to you via a FREE virtual workshop hosted on December 12, 2022. This workshop will help you to achieve a paradigm shift in the way that you approach your career. And I’m inviting YOU. 

And, I’m giving away my favorite tool-the Financial Independence for Career Clarity Calculator-for FREE! I use this tool exclusively with my 1-1 clients to help them understand future financial needs and use that information to build a robust job seeking strategy. You only get this tool for showing up live! 

Think of it this way: you’ve got nothing to lose. I’m showing up live and giving away all the secrets. After this workshop, you will walk away with a strategy and the resources to cultivate a job and a life that you love.